Youth Ministry
The Youth Ministry seeks to help each and every young person grow personally and spiritually through a series of program and activities; spiritually training and equipping the youth in a fun and Godly atmosphere to the Glory of God. All youth have a chance to participate in church life, develop their faith and discover new friendships within the body of Christ.
Programs/Activities include, but are not limited to:

Senior's Ministry
Metro Church of Christ Seniors Ministry is comprised of members above the age of 55 years.
Our Seniors Ministry purpose is to assist our Seniors with special needs by providing for their spiritual, physical, medical and nutritional concerns.
Metro Seniors Ministry is assisted and served by a volunteer group of faithful members between the age of 21 and 54 years called (Bridgegappers), who serve our Seniors by planning activities, outings and wholesome interactive fellowship.

Ladies’ Ministry
The Ladies ministry is designed to promote love, unity, and fellowship amongst the ladies here at Metro Church of Christ. Each one using their gifts and talents for the glory and honor of God, developing strong relationships while serving others in the community.
Programs/Activities include, but are not limited to:

The Purpose of the Community Outreach!
“To reach the community by serving and assisting those within the community of all ages and back grounds, developing a relationship with the church and the community, and endeavoring to strengthen and build a better community, as well as evangelize while serving through “Back to school events, Health Fair, Legal Assistance, Estate planning, Vision screening”